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insMind AI 背景サンプル
insMind AI 背景サンプル
insMind AI 背景サンプル
insMind AI 背景サンプル


Cute Couple Photo to Sketch
Cute Couple Photo to Sketch
Cute Couple Photo to Sketch
Photo to Outline Sketch
Photo to Outline Sketch
Photo to Outline Sketch
Father Holds Daughter Sketch
Father Holds Daughter Sketch
Father Holds Daughter Sketch
Father and Son Sketch
Father and Son Sketch
Father and Son Sketch
Handsome Young Man Sketch
Handsome Young Man Sketch
Handsome Young Man Sketch
Abstract Line Art
Abstract Line Art
Abstract Line Art
Wedding Photo to Sketch
Wedding Photo to Sketch
Wedding Photo to Sketch
Posh Lady Photo to Line Drawing
Posh Lady Photo to Line Drawing
Posh Lady Photo to Line Drawing
Cool Motorbike Photo to Sketch
Cool Motorbike Photo to Sketch
Cool Motorbike Photo to Sketch
Happy Couple Pen Sketch
Happy Couple Pen Sketch
Happy Couple Pen Sketch
Bass Player Photo to Sketch
Bass Player Photo to Sketch
Bass Player Photo to Sketch
Noble Lady Vintage Sketch
Noble Lady Vintage Sketch
Noble Lady Vintage Sketch
Photo to Needle Pen Sketch
Photo to Needle Pen Sketch
Photo to Needle Pen Sketch
Courtyard Photo to Pen Sketch
Courtyard Photo to Pen Sketch
Courtyard Photo to Pen Sketch
Academic Man Photo to Sketch
Academic Man Photo to Sketch
Academic Man Photo to Sketch
Photo to Charcoal Sketch
Photo to Charcoal Sketch
Photo to Charcoal Sketch
Cool Lady Photo to Soft Pen Sketch
Cool Lady Photo to Soft Pen Sketch
Cool Lady Photo to Soft Pen Sketch
Rockstar Photo to Pen Sketch
Rockstar Photo to Pen Sketch
Rockstar Photo to Pen Sketch
A charcoal style photo to sketch portrait painting of a girl wearing a Christmas sweater sitting on the carpeted floor in a cozy room surrounded by Christmas gifts.
A charcoal style photo to sketch portrait painting of a girl wearing a Christmas sweater sitting on the carpeted floor in a cozy room surrounded by Christmas gifts.
A charcoal style photo to sketch portrait painting of a girl wearing a Christmas sweater sitting on the carpeted floor in a cozy room surrounded by Christmas gifts.
A retro style photo to sketch portrait painting of a cute corgi puppy sitting on the ground.
A retro style photo to sketch portrait painting of a cute corgi puppy sitting on the ground.
A retro style photo to sketch portrait painting of a cute corgi puppy sitting on the ground.
An outline drawing style photo to sketch painting of a living room with 1960's interior design.
An outline drawing style photo to sketch painting of a living room with 1960's interior design.
An outline drawing style photo to sketch painting of a living room with 1960's interior design.
A pen drawing style photo to sketch illustration painting of a still life consisted of a vase, a pottery jar, and a salad bowl with a green apple in it.
A pen drawing style photo to sketch illustration painting of a still life consisted of a vase, a pottery jar, and a salad bowl with a green apple in it.
A pen drawing style photo to sketch illustration painting of a still life consisted of a vase, a pottery jar, and a salad bowl with a green apple in it.
A soft pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman goddess.
A soft pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman goddess.
A soft pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman goddess.
A pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman thinking man.
A pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman thinking man.
A pen style illustration painting of a plaster bust of a Greek-Roman thinking man.
A photo to sketch illustration painting of a cute kitten.
A photo to sketch illustration painting of a cute kitten.
A photo to sketch illustration painting of a cute kitten.
A US Comics style photo to sketch illustration painting of a vintage street lamp, close up.
A US Comics style photo to sketch illustration painting of a vintage street lamp, close up.
A US Comics style photo to sketch illustration painting of a vintage street lamp, close up.
A black and white retro style photo to sketch painting of a cute, chubby cat sitting on wooden stairs.
A black and white retro style photo to sketch painting of a cute, chubby cat sitting on wooden stairs.
A black and white retro style photo to sketch painting of a cute, chubby cat sitting on wooden stairs.
An outline drawing photo to sketch illustration of a medieval town.
An outline drawing photo to sketch illustration of a medieval town.
An outline drawing photo to sketch illustration of a medieval town.
A photo to sketch still life drawing consisted of two bowls and a jar on top of a table.
A photo to sketch still life drawing consisted of two bowls and a jar on top of a table.
A photo to sketch still life drawing consisted of two bowls and a jar on top of a table.
A US Comic style drawing of a living room with vibrant green plants.
A US Comic style drawing of a living room with vibrant green plants.
A US Comic style drawing of a living room with vibrant green plants.


写真から鉛筆のポートレートをめくるのは、いくつかのボタンをクリックするのと同じくらい簡単で、新しいAIフォトツースケッチフィルターを活用することで、アートと美しさを完全にカプセル化します。 insMindのAI搭載フィルターを使えば、写真をアップロードしてAIフィルターを選択するだけで、高度なAIシステムがあなたの画像を完璧にキャプチャし、写真からスケッチポートレートに変換する様子を目の当たりにすることができます。



insMindのAIフィルターを使用して風景写真をスケッチに変換し、従来の描画と比較して何時間もかかる労力を回避して、わずか数秒で詳細で高品質の描画を実現します。 insMindの高度なAIフィルターは、風景の美しさを表現し、写真を撮った風景を増幅するのに役立ちます。周囲の状況を完璧に描き、細い線と正確な影を持つリアルなスケッチに仕上げます。



ブランドを向上させるためであれ、ソーシャルメディアでの存在感を高めるためであれ、スケッチは画像の視覚的な魅力を高め、信頼性を高めます。insMindは、誰もが高品質のスケッチを取得し、それを自分の聴衆に紹介することを可能にします。 キャプチャした画像の品質を最大化し、鉛筆を手に取ったり高価な画材を購入したりすることなく、写真をスケッチ図面に変換します。静物製品の写真を、専門家の作品に似た静物スケッチに変換します。













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insMind Webサイトにアクセスし、スケッチに変換する写真をアップロードし、スケッチフィルターを選択して、[開始]をクリックします。この後に。新しく変換したスケッチは無料でダウンロードできます。


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