Upload Your Logo Image
You can drag and drop your logo into the upload area, or click the "Upload a photo" button to browse your computer and select the file. Our website supports all image formats, including JPG, PNG, and more.
Cutout Your Image
Once you upload your logo, our AI will automatically remove the background from your image. You can also click the "Cutout" button on the right panel to remove the background of the image. After that, you'll be left with a clean, free-standing version of your logo.
Change the Logo Color
Once your logo is ready, click the "Fill" option on the right tool panel. You can then change your logo's color using four methods: Solid Colors, which offers a wide range of pre-made shades; Gradients, providing seamless color blending for added dimension; Patterns, featuring contrasting tones in beautiful designs; and the Color Picker, which allows you to scan the entire color spectrum or enter specific color codes to find the exact shade you desire.
Download Your New Logo
Once your redesigned logo meets your requirements, click the "Download" button at the top right corner. Your logo will be downloaded for quick adaptation.
"insMind is excellent! The interface is easy. The results are brilliant. It's a must-have tool for any designer who wants to save time. Highly recommended for those who take branding seriously!"
@Maria Garcia, Graphic Designer